Global Coverage

horizon7 has provided telecommunications consultancy services with global experience and reach, delivering technical, operational and commercial solutions to operators and investors across all telecommunications technologies and regions. This global exposure provides a good understanding of international and local factors that may influence any business.

horizon7 consultants bring you their experience of developing telecommunications businesses in diverse markets across the world. Existing relationships with a wide range of suppliers and affiliates ensures that horizon7 delivers both effective and accurate results.

Our global reach is best displayed through the following table of markets operated in to date.

Western Europe UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Luxemburg, Portugal
Eastern Europe / Former CIS Countries Russia, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia
Middle East / Africa Nigeria, Ghana, Madagascar, Israel, Cyprus, Oman, Jordan, Lebanon, UAE, Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain
Asia / South Pacific China, Thailand, Singapore, Pakistan, India
Americas USA, Canada